Sunday, September 30, 2012

Self Portrait

This is not one of the emotional abuse projects, but a project I had to do for class. I am going to go back and touch it up, but for now, It's done. Hope you enjoy!

Thursday, September 20, 2012

War of Self

Victims of emotional abuse suffer with their self-worth. They will fight with their self-esteem. One day they will love themselves, and the next, hate themselves. They believe that they will never live up to what society wants from them, but really they are thinking that they will never become what they want to be, so they become dead inside trying to find it. What the victims need to do is harness their beauty and use words of encouragement every day, one day they will become someone they will love to look at.


Thursday, September 13, 2012

The Journey continues

Hello All!

I wanted to inform you that my journey will continue on through out the year. I will be creating more peices with the theme of emotional abuse. Though there are not very many left to do, It will take a long time to complete due to the complexity of each piece. I would like to thank you for your patience in waiting for more!

Thank you for folowing me!
p.s. I have some suprizes in store for you!