Monday, January 21, 2013

"The Visitation of Confinement" a works in progress..

Hello Fans,

I am starting a new project called, The visitation of confinement". It is going to be an installation piece that will probably take me the whole three months of this school semester. I am going to be adding a project on Kickstarter which is a program set up for people to get their projects planned and out into the world in hopes that the world will pledge money to the creation of the project.
  This project will create a feeling of being trapped in one's own closet space allowing for the viewer to understand what homosexuals live with on a day to day basis, if they haven't already come out of their closets. I hope that the viewer will obtain respect and knowledge about these individuals so one day maybe we can all live in peace and harmony.
I will be posting updates of this project as it progresses. Let's keep our Fingers crossed and hope that I can get this project funded! WOO HOO!

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