Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Letting it all out

This is a piece that I created during Painting Club. It is mixed media. I was fighting with a new medium of paint. I decided to add paper to it because i was tired of looking at it. a week later, I pull the paper and saran wrap away from the canvas and I get exactly how I was feeling that day. surprise. surprise.


This is a wire sculpture that my friends and I created. I could not for the life of me bend the wire. But after a soldering gun and a few pipe cleaners, we got it done. During critique, it was said to have gone "too out of the box".

Carry Me Mother

This is a plaster sculpture that I just finished today. It is an abstract sculpture. My Idea behind this was to create a sense of  dependance. The pendulum being held up, is dependent on the bigger region just as a child would be towards its mother. I had a blast working on this. 

light your way

This piece is the answer to the previous piece. The answer if you will. Being emotionally abused, The ideas and choices that we make do not have to rely on our abuser. we have our own mind, our own thoughts, our own LIFE! All we have to do is realize this, turn on the light. Look towards the sun.

$500.00 or $900.00 for both the pain and solution.

In the Shadows

This piece is "painting the pain". I tried to exemplify the feeling of being haunted. When someone is emotionally abused, their every move and thought is decided not only by themselves, but also by their abuser. Their abuser is hidden in every crevice of their mind. the shadows of each thought.

$500.00 or $900.00 for both the pain and solution.